Description: matter what niche you are promoting, there are always many different affiliate programs that you can promote to earn commissions.
But not all affiliate programs are equal.
Some will make you a lot of money - while others are just a complete waste of time effort.
So how do you weed out these weak affiliate programs, leave yourself with just the top earners?
Now it's easy, with your copy of Affiliate Link Weeder.
Just enter all the different affiliate links into Affiliate Link Weeder the software will automatically split your traffic equally between the links.
Just wait a short while to see which affiliate programs pay you the most money - then dump the losers.
It really is that simple!
Quick Easy Solution
With Affiliate Link Weeder, you can apply this solution to any set of affiliate links.
Just enter the affiliate links into the script set up tool as shown below...
The tool will create a new script file that you upload to your website.
Now just send all your traffic to the web address of the script.
The script will split your traffic equally between the affiliate links.
When you've decided which affiliate program works best, just use the setup tool again delete the affiliate links you don't want - then the script will just send all your traffic to the remaining affiliate link.
Automatically Hide Your Affiliate Links
Although the software was designed to split traffic between multiple links, you can also use it with a single affiliate link, by just entering one link into the box on the software tool.
In both cases, the software will automatically "hide" your affiliate links, which can significantly boost profits.
Affiliate links typically look something like this:
Or this
These links look "techie" quite obviously affiliate links.
With Affiliate Link Weeder, your links look like this:
Or this:
These links are neat, clean look just like links to pages on your own website.
In an independently conducted test where the exact same email was sent to two groups of 4000 people - with the only difference in the emails being the link - over eight times as many people clicked on the cloaked link as clicked on the original affiliate link.
That's over eight times as much money, without any extra effort!
While I cannot promise that you'll see the same increase, you will almost certainly see an increased response when hiding your links.
Install An Unlimited Number Of Times
You only need to order one copy of this software, irrespective of how many sets of links you want to test.
You can install your copy of the Affiliate Link Weeder script as many times as you want, on as many sites as you want - all at no extra cost.
Full Master Resale Rights Included FREE
Affiliate Link Weeder is a great tool - but I'm going to make it even more profitable for you, by including full Master Resale Rights free!
This means you can sell the software yourself keep all the money.
Just make one sale to recover your investment.
I'll even give you a copy of this ready-made sales page to make it really easy for you.
Just add your own order button to the ready-made page, upload to your own web host you can be ready to take orders instantly.
You can also use the software as a valuable bonus with other items you sell, or include it in packages membership sites.
Distribution Rights:Master Resale Rights License Terms:
[YES] Can be used for personal use
[YES] Can be given away
[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other things you sell
[YES] Can be added to paid or free membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
Date Product Added:
Product Added To In February 2014