(see sample video)
A Review of the Auto Cash Funnel Program The Auto Cash Funnel program is all about Joint Ventures and giveaways. It teaches you how to give products away in order to build massive lists that you can sell to over and over. Probably the thing that stood out the most to me about this product is that it not only covers why giveaways are great and how you can benefit from them, but also how to get into them. The narrator shows three of the most common giveaway scripts you are likely to come across, and the similarities and differences they have. He also goes through the process of signing up for a giveaway on-screen, so there is really no question left at the end about how you go about it. I thought one of the best things about the information in this course is that it talks about why you must promote when you are in a giveaway. It seems like a lot of people think that nobody cares when you don’t promote a giveaway, or that nobody will notice. This course points out what can happen if you don’t promote, and how much it can affect your chances at getting a good sized list from a giveaway. But it was also really cool when after poking around in the many folders that come in this product, I discovered they literally hand you a wide variety of products that you can give away. There were lots of e-books that you can download for your own use, and they included everything you need to set them up for sale or to give away. This could be immensely helpful to anyone who needs more products that they can leverage in one way or another. Especially since the products were spread out over many popular niches. When I first opened one of the videos in my browser, I have to admit I was a little worried. The page is very plain, and I thought that it wasn’t loading at first. But the video popped up and played just fine, and the quality of the videos is very good. So once you buy don’t let the bare-bones pages throw you off – you’re still going to watch great videos. The only issue I really found with this product is that it seemed like there were a ton of upsells. While they didn’t all seem bad or out-of-place, it was slightly annoying. Obviously, this shouldn’t stop anyone from getting the program, but it seemed like something that should be mentioned beforehand. There were also a lot of bonuses that came with it as well. Quick start videos were one of the main ones, but there were also a couple of mini-courses and PDFs that had good information. These bonuses aren’t something you have to go through, but there were some good points in them that just made making money a little smoother. All in all, I felt this was a really great program. It isn’t the most glamorous thing out there, but it provided solid information that people who are trying to build a list can put to use quickly. It’s a great jump-start for anyone who wants to get into JVing and doing giveaways, since by the time they’re done with this course they will have a working knowledge of how things work and the best ways to get the results they’re looking for.
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