Description:Dear WordPress Website ,
What happens after your reader leaves a comment on your blog?
If yours is like most other sites, the answer is...nothing.
She simply has no place else to go, nothing else to do, so she leaves. Often, never to be seen or heard from again. That's just the default behavior of most commenting systems, it's costing you in conversions, increasing your bounce rate, lowering your profits.
"I Already Have Plenty Of Enticing Offers At The End Of My Blog Posts!"
Of course you do. So does everyone else.
just like we've developed "ad blindness" when it comes to the buttons offers in the sidebar, we've developed "social media blindness" for the links at the end of your posts. Add in a few "you might also like..." links an opt-in form, you very likely have completely overwhelmed your reader.
In our increasingly attention-span-deprived world, your readers will be off in a flash, unless you can get them to focus.
Instant Attention Grabber
It's been proven time time again that when faced with too many options, readers tend to click away rather than make a choice. That's why sales squeeze pages don't have menus or social media buttons. Because you want your readers to focus.
the best way to do that is to offer them a single choice, which is exactly what the Comment Promo Plugin does.
Endless Opportunities
Simply put, the Comment Promo Plugin gives your readers a clear direction to pursue after they've left a comment. They won't see that ultra-friendly message, "Your comment is awaiting moderation" or worse, be dumped right back on the page.
Instead, they'll be offered exactly what you want them to see. You can...
Include an offer for your latest product release.
Provide a "commenter only" coupon.
Promote a related affiliate program.
Ask readers to follow you on social media.
Ask them to share your content with friends.
Present an opt-in form for your mailing list.
Remind readers about an upcoming event you'll be attending.
Create some buzz about your next product launch.
Give a sneak peak of member's only content.
Offer a video tip.
Remind readers to bookmark your site or add it to their feed reader.
As you can see, the possibilities are nearly limitless. That's because this easy-to-use plugin comes equipped with...
A WYSIWYG editor for complete control over the look feel of the text.
The ability to add images clickable buttons.
A super-simple opt-in form integration panel that works with any autoresponder service.
One-click social media buttons.
Unlimited design possibilities - CSS needed!
The option to easily choose background colors, borders, more.
even better, because this plugin is designed for WordPress, you know it...
Will be easy to install configure using a simple point click interface.
Makes use of WordPress' built-in editor so there's learning curve.
Takes advantage of your current theme so you maintain your branding.
Is simple to update so your site stays secure.
Give Your Readers More Options
Don't miss an opportunity to engage with your readers in a new and unique way. This innovative plugin gives you a chance to turn a single comment into a solid relationship by offering more interaction just when your reader is most interested!
And with the array of usage options, you'll be able to tailor the message to your unique audience.
Not only that, but your purchase comes with my...
Distribution Rights:Personal Use Only
Date Product Added:
Product Added To In February 2014