Here is the Secret Of The 15 Minute Lead Pg Creator.
When ever you do a mailing: Send your subscribers to a version of the "Pre-Launch Lead Capture Page" that suits your mailing.
When ever you talk to a potential JV Partner:Send your potential JV Partners to a version of the "Pre-Launch Lead Capture Page" specifically built for interested JV Partners.
When ever you want to do a sneak preview:Send your customers and prospects to a version of the "Pre-Launch 15 Minute Lead Capture Page" that gives them a sneak peek after registering.
When ever you sell a product:Send your customers to a version of the "Pre-Launch 15 Minute Lead Capture Page" that tells them if they register... they will be the first to be notified of a new release.
Where would you use the "15 Minute Lead Pg Creator System"?On any page you want to capture your prospects information!To build a list of JV Partners! To build a list of known purchasers who want to be notified of new releases! The software records the originating Referral ID together with the prospects details thereby ensuring that the JV Partner will always get the referring reward(s) no matter what product or announcement you make.
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