It's no secret. Trying to generate real income online is extremely difficult.
As you struggle to overcome the issue, you're often met with headaches closed doors. Finding a resolution seems impossible.
You have...
Floundered around aimlessly trying to figure out what works what doesn't which ended up in wasted time as you constantly end up at square one.
Invested in various "how-to" courses which only resulted in additional costs with little or no financial return.
Stared blankly at your computer screen in despair with no clear direction of what step to take next which led to complete frustration loss of hope
I completely understand why most people who try to generate real income online give up.
But the truth is...
Your Online Breakthrough Is Just Around The Corner
These days, things have gotten much better...
I'm finally able to work on my terms, set my own hours, work where I want when I want, I can also spend time with my family, I'm very grateful for this Internet lifestyle.
But I've never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.
Having Literally Tried it All, I Was Beaten Down, But Not Ready To Quit!
Roadblocks were my constant reality, but I was able to bound through them with ease like a gazelle running in an open field.
What often stopped me dead in my tracks was I didn't know what steps to take next, I was afraid I would not choose the right online model niche market for me, I didn't have enough time in the day to truly grow my online (at least I thought), instead of just getting things out...I was trying to make it perfect first.
I desperately needed some guidance clear direction!
Of course, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.
So even though I wasn't ready to give up, I honestly couldn't blame you for wanting to give up when this sounds so familiar to you!
Your clear path to success can be found on this page!
They say the definition of insanity is expecting the same action to produce different results.
I was running out of fresh ideas. nothing seemed to work.
But before I decided this just wasn't in the cards for me...
Something Happened that Changed Everything...
I finally stumbled on a formula for success online that changed my family's life for good!
Most people in my spot would find it hard to believe success had happened, but I viewed it as all the hours extra effort finally paying off.
However, knowing I wasn't the only one who had suffered with this problem, I had to share my formula of success.
After all, I wasn't anything special. I wasn't more deserving of this success. I simply broke the code to this while online thing.
Which is why I'm so glad you've stumbled your own way to this letter. I can't wait to introduce you to the...
"Money Counts Workshop"
This is the product that will help you to finally achieve the online dream you have been striving for!
If you want to know how I was able to quit my regular job at the age of 21 after only 8 months, I haven't looked back...well...this is it.
trust me, this solution is likely going to shock you at how simple it is (I honestly couldn?t believe it myself!).
Here's What You Will Find Inside The "Money Counts Workshop"
In this 3+ hour closed door workshop I revealed all my secrets to an eager audience. Here is everything you will get access to today!
A Step-By-Step Plan of Action - Follow these 3 proven online models. You will finally have at your disposal a real clear plan regarding what steps to take next. Value: $497.00
An Honest & Inspiring Approach That Encourages Action - You know you are getting the real truth about what it takes to achieve success backed up with case studies examples that you can duplicate. This is more than just a course teaching you how to make money. It encourages action! Value: $197.00
My Six Figure Affiliate Blueprint - You will learn a simple way to make money with affiliate marketing by following my six figure affiliate blueprint! I now make six figures per year consistently just with affiliate marketing, if I was content at those levels I could literally run my in less than one hour per day on average!Value: $297.00
My Info Product Master Plan - You will learn the dead simple way that I use to create winning info products every single time. I have created info products for professional athletes internationally recognized, best-selling authors. On top of generating millions in revenues from my own info products that I created with myself my partners.Value: $297.00
My Freelancing Success Formula - I will reveal to you the EXACT model I used which allowed me to quit my only real job after 8 months at the age of 21! Value: $97.00
See What Others Are Saying About Me, Paul Counts, Your "Money Counts" Workshop Instructor...
"The ideas you gave me literally changed the course of my ..."
"Man oh man I have to thank God that I was able to connect with one of the biggest legends most humblest Guru's that I've met inside of this industry! We've worked together have gotten results, I'm so excited for what the future holds. The ideas you gave me will literally changed the course of my over the next few moments! Thanks for expanding my mind, sharing so much with me, and showing me that even Guru's are regular people too!"
- Michael Baptiste
"We look up to people like you..."
"Paul you are one of the most stand up people in the . We look up to people like you... that's the truth!"
- Simon
"This is life changing stuff..."
"I literally just did a very small private launch of my membership site yesterday using your impeccable videos! Thanks so much! This is life changing stuff, I really appreciate all you have done for me!"
- Jim Landers
"What Is All This Amazing Training Going To Cost Me?"
Another fair question you may be asking yourself right about now!
If you were to fly to California where I held this closed door workshop, put yourself up in a hotel, paid for the food, and also paid for access to the event (it was invite-only) could have easily spent $2,500 or more!
Now, you could always outsource your entire online to someone else which will start at $1,500 per month on the low end up to $2,500 or more to pay someone to do it all for you the right way.
There's also the option to invest in one-to-one coaching from an expert like myself which will run you at least $5,000 up to $10,000+!
Or there's also the chance you could stumble upon this yourself. I have no doubt that you could, but why waste anymore time hoping for a solution?
really, does it matter if this whole course costs you a little bit of money if it means you save yourself a ton of money, time frustration in the long run in exchange for a fast tracked solution?
don't worry.
You won't have to pay anywhere near $1,500 per month or $10,000 for one-on-one coaching.
to be 100% sure you get an immense amount of value from this offer, I'm going to kick it up a notch.
When You Buy The "Money Counts" Workshop Today, You'll Also Get FREE Access To...
Bonus #1: Word for Word Transcript of Videos (Value: $197)
This will ensure you won't miss anything from the videos, also enable you to learn by reading in case you get stuck somewhere, need a quick reference!
Bonus #2: Quick Reference Guide PDF Notes From Presentation (Value $97)
This gives you a quick reference guide to the training presented in the videos which keeps you moving forward. These are taken directly from the PowerPoints I used in the live workshop!
Bonus #3: MP3 Audio File of Training (Value: $97)
Get a MP3 version of the training. Audio helps you digest the content in another format so the methods have a better chance of really sinking in for you. You can also listen to the training even if you are on the road! Just throw this MP3 onto your phone, listen over the speakers in your car!
Distribution Rights:
Personal Use Only
Date Product Added:
Product Added To In March 2016