Turn Your Knowledge, Ideas, Thoughts, Experience or Expertise Into Cash With an eBook! With all of the Changes in the Publishing Industry Over the Last Decade, Becoming a Published Author and Making Significant Money Doing So is Now Possible for Anyone Who Wants to Create Their Own eBook!
Salespage also included in the product.
Distribution Rights:
Resale/Giveaway Rights License Terms.
License Terms:
[Yes] Can sell the eBook to your customers.
[Yes] Can give away eBook (PDF Format).
[Yes] Can be used as a bonus (PDF Format).
[Yes] Can include eBook in membership site (PDF Format).
[Yes] Can be combined with other offers or sold as a package.
[No] Can include within website flips.
[No] Cannot sell Resell Rights to customers.
[No] Cannot sell Private Label Rights to customers.
Date Product Added:
Product Added To In April 2023