This last year has seen some major changes for online marketers – including heart-stopping drops in traffic patterns that have flowed along the same sure and steady channels for years. All of a sudden, tried-and-true “old ways” just aren’t working. Search patterns are permanently changing, thanks to the alarming shift from computers to mobile devices last year (4 billion mobile users, compared to only 1 billion for computers).That’s why sites that “share” information and resources are suddenly becoming the new “in”. It’s all about the buzz, and friend recommendations.Social popularity – and the traffic it brings… It’s not something you can manufacture. It’s not something you can fake. And only those who really understand a trending phenomenon can live it – and be one of the leaders.What Do You Want to Be? An Internet Celebrity… or Hanger On?Think that’s over-dramatizing the importance of social web presence for you or your business? Well, think again. Even Google has woken up to the fact that small tips dropped on Facebook and Twitter can cause more buzz than any other method combined. Their world-dominating search algorithms are taking a back seat to Twitter, Digg, chat, MySpace and Facebook recommendations… …and Scribd.That’s why they frantically created Google Buzz – which bombed cataclysmically, because of an issue that saw it automatically share, without permission, staggeringly personal consumer information. They’re hastily revamping it, even as we speak, in a frantic effort to catch up … and understand social networking.(If this was a teen movie, it would be kind of like the nerdy science club boys trying to analyze why the popular crowd is cool… and getting it horribly wrong.)But forget Google Buzz, for now… What if you could harness this sort of social networking power to draw attention to your digital products, Power Point presentations and documents?What if you could sell your digital products on a social platform… or give them away for free, as part of a bigger strategy?What if you could do without having to learn new ways to process your documents – in fact, by using your favorite methods of document creation (both graphic and text-handling).What if you could siphon more targeted traffic than you’ve ever done before?“How Do I Fast Track My Way to the Pinnacle of Scribd?”Good question. Just follow the road map I’ve written for you… It will show you at a glance:
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