Have you always wanted to write your own book and get it published? If you have written a book or even if you have a yen to be a writer, you are probably already aware of the competition in the writing field. Most of those who submit unsolicited manuscripts to agents or publishing houses are rejected without the book even being read. This can be enough to turn any writer off the idea of writing their book. After all, if you go through the trouble of writing a book, you certainly want to see it published, right?You have probably heard about vanity press, that publish your book and make you order hundreds of copies. This costs thousands of dollars and who has the money, these days, to put out that kind of money to get their book published? Especially since they seem to be limited to selling only to family and friends? Most people are aware of vanity press and want to avoid it because it costs so much money.Perhaps you have an idea for a book but do not know how to put it together? This is common for someone who is considering writing either a fiction novel or a non-fiction book. Writing the book may seem easy for someone who has never before undertaken this endeavor, but it can be far from easy. The way the book reads upon completion is not the same way that it comes out of your head. A book starts with a creative spark - an idea, the title of a song, an image or even a dream that you had - and goes from there. It can be difficult to convey everything concisely in a 200 page book. You have to be concerned about consistency, character building and plot movement in the book.But if you want to write a book, there is hope for you. If you have the desire to be a published author, the only thing that is stopping you from doing so is yourself. You can write a book and have it published without it costing you a fortune.Table of Contents
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