Product Description :
Do you want to get healthier, but are turned off by nasty, tasteless cardboard that makes you feel sick to your stomach just thinking about it?
Do you feel like all the latest health fads deliver nothing more than neurotic obsessions and leave you more confused than ever about what to eat?
Would you believe that there is one DELICIOUS, traditional food that has been used for centuries to treat:
· Humiliating conditions like acne and impotence?
· Fever, aches and pains of cold and flu?
· Emotionally scarring infertility?
· The scourge of overweight and obesity?
· Crippling disorders such as arthritis?
· And much more?
It’s true! Several cultures around the world have long turned to one food to heal a wide variety of health issues that stem from weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances!
This same food is also recognized globally for its superb flavor and the richness that it lends to other dishes. What is this food, you ask?
That’s right! Roosters (male chickens) are a highly nutritious source of easily digested protein that has traditionally been known as a miracle food throughout the world. In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine has used it for centuries for its therapeutic properties in healing a wide variety of health conditions.
Plus everyone from world-class chefs to humble home cooks agree that the flavor of hens (female chickens) pales in comparison to robust flavor of cock.
Unfortunately, in recent years, the hen has overshadowed the cock’s place on the dinner plate and few people understand just how to prepare this succulent meat for optimal nutritional benefit and flavor.
In fact, rooster has become such an obscure meat in many places that it is often not recognized in regular supermarkets. There are, however, ways to get your hand on some cocks, if you know where to look. And if you still don’t have access, there is a perfectly easy-to-find substitute that is readily available in many markets.
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5 Ways to Eat Cock: Mouthwatering and Nutritious Rooster Recipes for the Imaginative Cook contains five incredibly healing, melt-in-your-mouth cock recipes.
In addition to the recipes, you’ll get insight as to many healing uses for cock, how to adapt cock to your own recipes and ways of tracking down your own cock – if you don’t have access in your own neighborhood.
5 Ways to Eat Cock takes a revealing look at the folklore, history, culinary culture and nutritional benefits of this well-endowed ingredient. With tongue-in-cheek descriptions, these playful cock recipes are bulging with everything from the quintessential to the quick-and-easy to the downright quirky.
It has been praised by nutrition researcher and cookbook author, Sally Fallon Morell, as a “fun and imaginative cookbook on a forgotten traditional food.”
But hold it!
This is more than just a book about eating cock. 5 Ways to Eat Cock also contains common sense recommendations about eating everything from salt to whole grains that virtually everybody gets wrong! These missing links are precisely why so many diets that start out making you feel great, fail in the long run leading to allergies, thyroid disorders, weight gain and even the dreaded gluten intolerance.
If you’re fed up with gross interpretations of healthy recipes and want to rediscover human health from the ground up, then 5 Ways to Eat Cock is sure to deliver lips-smacking meal options and lend you some valuable insight as to how to eat deliciously at every meal.
Just click the button below to jumpstart your health with these versatile and appetizing cock recipes now.
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- Can be added to membership sites - YES
- Can sell Resale Rights - YES
- Can sell Master Resale Rights - YES
- Can be offered through auction sites - YES
- Can be edited completely and your name put on it - NO
- Can be used as web content - NO