Product Description:
Have any of these questions passed your mind?
MySQL databases. What is it exactly, how do I create one and copy it from one site to another?
How do I really use Awstats so I can improve my traffic quality and website? How do intelligently gather information from it to help improve my business?
How do I redirect my error pages to my main site so I don't lose out on traffic? I also get people landing to pages that don't exist on my site. How do I redirect them to a page where I can at least build my list?
How do I keep people from snooping around my site? Say I keep my downloads in a 'files' directory, it's pretty obvious once someone has bought a product and can simply look around in that directory!
Alternative to FTP? If I don't want to use FTP, is there another choice?
How do I backup and restore my website? I need a quick and efficient way of doing this even if my hard drive suddenly dies on me and I've lost everything!
How do I install server scripts using cPanel? I know I will end up using some sort of script in the near future to make my business more efficient!
I've heard of Cron jobs and Fantastico, but what are they and will they help me?
How do I set up a Cron job and when is a good time to use it?
I have loads of files on my site that need protecting, how do I hide them so people can't find them on my server?
How do I get rid of spam? I'm getting a lot of Emails from the same server, is there a way to get rid of these Emails?
I want to transfer files from one of my server to another. Can I do it without moving the files back to my PC and re-uploading them again and do a direct server-to-server file transfer?