Dear WordPress user,
Have you ever looked at your finished blog post - the one you spent hours writing and formatting - and thought...meh?
It seems like no matter how beautiful the images are that you choose, or how carefully you use headings and text styling, you're still left with a post that looks just like every other post on your site.
With the limitations of CSS and "web safe" fonts, it can be hard to make pages and posts stand out, regardless of what you do.
"I'm Already Using a Formatting Plugin"
Tiny MCE Editor and its cousin, Ultimate Tiny MCE Editor, make tweaking your font choices a bit easier. With these tools, you can easily change colors, size, and font face anywhere in your post or page. And that helps. At least a little bit.
But you're still stuck with those fonts that are deemed "web safe" - meaning most every computer can display them. You know the ones. Times New Roman. Arial. Comic Sans.
No matter what you do, the best you can hope for is larger, colored, but still boring fonts.
Beyond "Web Safe" Fonts
Time was, you had about 10 choices when it came to selecting a font for your website. The reason was, computers can only display those fonts that exist within their operating system files.
Today, most computers come shipped with dozens of fonts, but because we have so many different operating systems (and versions of operating systems) you can't be sure that each and every one of your readers will have that fancy font you want to use.
And if she doesn't? Well, her computer will fall back on the default choice, with less than spectacular results. That means you're still stuck using one of 20 or so different styles, just to be on the safe side.
Google to the Rescue! Sort of...
Enter Google Fonts. In 2010, Google launched its Web Fonts project, making it possible for webmasters to use any one of hundreds of free fonts, all optimized for the web. It no longer mattered if your computer had the font installed - Google would display it on the page anyway.
There's just one catch: You have to add a line of HTML code in the header of every page on your site, and you have to create CSS selectors (and know how to use them) in order to use the font on your posts.
If you're geeky - and have all kinds of time - maybe you'll want to do just that. But for most people, this is just too much work.
Use Any Font - Anywhere!
Now, though, with the simple addition of a new plugin called "Great Fonts," you can take advantage of Google Fonts like never before. This plugin allows you to:
Use any Google font - no HTML or CSS required
Use your font anywhere - no more being restricted to what you can hand code
Pretty it up even more - with built-in styles you won't find elsewhere
Plus, because it's built for WordPress, you know it's:
Easy to install - just upload via your plugin dashboard
Painless to configure - step-by-step directions make it simple
Quick to use - with an easy access button right on your post editing screen
If that were all this plugin did, it would still find a home on every blogger's favorites list. But take a look at all the options available to you, and I think you'll agree Great Fonts is a "must have" plugin.
One-click access to hundreds of fonts
Simple, point-and-click formatting in any post or page
Seamlessly integrated with WordPress' own editor for added control over colors and sizes
10 custom styles to instantly add pizzazz to any text
True WYSIWYG capabilities - you'll see your chosen font right in the post editing screen, unlike some other plugins
No crazy shortcodes or complicated HTML syntax to learn
Complete user guide to walk you through the process of connecting to Google's font server - just a few steps, and you only have to do it once to use every font in their database!
Use multiple fonts on a single page - let your creativity flow!
Works for every user - regardless of operating system or browser.
With all this going for it, you'll find yourself using Great Fonts everywhere, including:
Sales pages - easily lead the reader through the page
Membership modules - create eye-catching, professional-looking pages instantly
Blog posts - break up the text with attractive fonts and colors for a richer user experience
Home page - carefully chosen fonts and highlights let your reader know in an instant what your site is all about
Author pages - create unique signatures for each contributor to a multi-author blog
Attention-grabbing headlines - never again will readers miss important points!
I'm certain you'll find Great Fonts to be an indispensable part of your blog, but if you feel it does not live up to its name, simply let me know, and I'll cheerfully refund your entire purchase price.
Distribution Rights:
Personal Use Only